Would you want to wake up one morning next to a dumpster stinking of garbage, in a dark, wet back alley, on a cold winter morning and no memory of how you got there or why?
Definitely like your story and how you relate the two . Just like life you have to grow into the lifestyle baby steps can lead to great experiences as long as you take the time to understand and 3xcept everyone's wants and needs
You know after living this lifestyle for a little while i now see it makes sense because women have a larger capacity sec wise and my gal loves it
We ladies can be hard to please sometimes 😇
Please, don’t change.
you write good stories and they have helped me very much in this lifestyle. Living this lifestyle now. Love it
Thank you Lou, that's very nice of you.
good story
Definitely like your story and how you relate the two . Just like life you have to grow into the lifestyle baby steps can lead to great experiences as long as you take the time to understand and 3xcept everyone's wants and needs