What PUAs predicted about your marriage
Harsh but sage wisdom that cuts through the myths and lies
Neil Strauss wrote a book called The Game about 15 or 20 years ago.
It’s about pick-up artists.
Guys that turned social skills… meaning, seduction… into a science.
What a weird thing to talk about on a site about infidelity. Right?
Don’t be so sure.
Say what you will about the PUA community. And you sure can say a lot. They seem contemptuous, if not outright hateful towards women. According to some of these guys, the female sex isn’t much more than a “rationalizing machine”. A woman makes decisions based on feelings and emotions, no rational thought required.
As if guys don’t think with their small heads? LOL
But all credit to them, they looked at sex and dating and romance like a scientific observer studying his subject.
What they found was not always comforting. Some found their ideas shocking, scandalous, and a little bit disturbing.
But their ideas did seem to work pretty well for their purposes.
I bring this up not because I think ladies are at risk of being “gamed” by professional seducers. Your wife won’t go home with another guy because he wore a crazy outfit and ran lines on her.
But, I do think that everybody, regardless of your sexy plumbing, should be aware of these unconscious forces at work all around you.
There’s a reason that some guys always win with the ladies… and other guys never seem to get a base hit.
More to the point:
If you want to know why your wife might cheat, or did cheat, look no further. Whether that’s a bad thing, like it is for most couples… or whether her affair is your goal. (Yep, there’s a lot of guys “into that”…)
There’s pretty lies we tell ourselves to keep civilization going.
Then there’s the hard reality.
Appreciating reality doesn’t have to be bleak, you know.
Honesty goes a long way in any relationship. Starting with yourself. The more you understand about yourself, your motivations, and your true hidden desires, the better off you’ll be.
And the more confidence you’ll have with your partner, no matter what you want from her (or him).
It’s hard to stare into the reality of sex and relationships if you’ve been programmed by a lifetime of Disney movies and rom-coms.
But, if you get to that point, it’s freeing in its own way.
And if you want to stay in the loop on the social dynamics of female infidelity and keep your relationship strong no matter how monogamous — or not — you want to be, then make sure you’re getting my emails.
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Be good to each other ;-)
~ Bella Blaze
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