Earlier today I was scrolling through my phone when this story about the Madonna-Whore complex flashed across my screen.
You ever hear about this?
It’s a theory from Sigmund Freud, the guy who invented psychoanalysis.
Freud thought that men saw women two ways.
He either looks up to a woman (probably his mother, knowing Sigmund’s weird kinks), who he sees as pure and holy, or…
He looks down on her as a total depraved slut.
There’s no middle ground, ladies. In a man’s world you’re either a saintly angelic mother or a demonic succubus out to steal his life-force.
Weird as it is, I think there’s a lot of truth to Freud’s idea.
Think about it. How many guys say they want a sweet, nice, innocent girl…
… but hop into bed with any freaky chick that wiggles her boobs at him?
What’s that line? Lady in the streets, freak in the sheets.
Except, he’s not looking for the lady and the freak in the same woman.
He wants his special lady at home, cooking and cleaning, while he’s prowling for that girl with full-sleeve tats and a thong hanging out of her low-rider jeans.
Even better:
What about the guys out there are so feminist that they combine the Madonna and Whore into a single woman?
His pure sweet angel with an alter-ego as a stripper.
I’m not saying Freud was right. But it would explain all the guys who are into “that kind of girl”.
Guys who are into promiscuous women. Instead of straying, he’s happy to get the same effect from finding his “Whore” in his “Madonna” at home.
That’s an interesting solution. Not one that they’d teach you in a rom-com. But…
Relationships are complicated. Sex is weird.
If you ever needed a reason to believe that infidelity is NOT the end of your romantic world together, look no further.
Maybe you don’t have to go that far. But maybe you’d like to?
Either way, romantic relationships can survive sexual infidelity.
And if you’re into insights into these subtleties of romance and relationships, you could do worse than receiving my sage wisdom in your inbox.
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Be good to each other ;-)
~ Bella Blaze